Step into your go-to destination for discovering
K-beauty treasures perfectly suited for your skin type, all in one eye catching spot

The Korean beauty industry is booming! As its popularity surges and the market becomes flooded with information, finding the right products and information can be increasingly challenging. At One Eye Beauty, we carefully select and provide vital Korean beauty and skincare tips to assist you in achieving the best results on your skincare journey, tailored to your specific needs. The ultimate source for your needs in Korean beauty and skincare is here at One Eye Beauty.

Hello 안녕!

(An-Nyung: Hi in Korean)

From the founder, Yuhee
Korean Kiwi living in UK 🙂

When I was a teen, my mum whipped up a rice mask almost daily using the rice water prepped everyday for our family meals.
It was my secret weapon against my dull, acne-prone skin! I added this to my nightly skincare routine for years, and guess what?
My face got way brighter, and poof! Acne was history. This was my first powerful experience of discovering the importance of
consistent care and love for my own skin through the magic of Korean skincare ingredients. (Thanks mum!) Later, I was introduced
to a proper Korean skincare routine (not the 10 step routine yet!) starting with the very basic 2 products, toner and cream.
Since then I’ve been hooked on Korean skincare, though as a Korean living abroad, I’ve dabbled with Western products at
times but my heart always brought me back to Korean skincare. These days K-beauty is everywhere, and with all the
information overload it can be tricky to find the right product or even know where to begin! As a long-time passionate
Korean skincare enthusiast, I’m committed to helping you find the best Korean beauty products to unleash your
skincare potential, promising you a healthier and happier life with youthful, glowing skin!
💚 Experience K-beauty at its best with me 💚